The Experience Design division of Scruffy Dog Creative Group specialises in entertainment, narrative, theming, environment, and guest journey design. Our team of storytellers, futurists, creatives, masterplanners, architects and technicians develop your vision through creative development, masterplanning, concept design, concept development, schematic design & detail design services.

Furthermore, other sectors of our business specialise in taking these designs and transforming them into real, physical experiences. Allowing us to provide a true turnkey solution like no other company in our industry. From start to finish individual divisions of the group work as one, world-leading team.



We offer strategic planning services on all our projects. With this service, we focus on understanding the client’s needs, expectations, budget, timescales, and more. We’ll analyse the site for the project, so we understand climate, topography, constraints, and all other relevant features.

Each new project needs a Feasibility Study, either provided by the client or prepared by our specialist consultants. This service includes target market analysis, competitive product comparison, tourist consumption habit review, and investment model assessment, along with other parameters that will be key to determining the proper scale of the project as well as establishing the guidelines of our design approach.

At this stage aspects such as land use, indoor / outdoor ratio, experience selection, F&B needs, accommodations, transportation, parking space, and all other entertainment units and their overall relationships are forecast to ensure the project is designed and developed on sound foundations.

A person looking at 2 computer monitors creating concept art


A masterplan is an overarching planning document and spatial layout used to structure land use and development. ‘Masterplan’ is an all-encompassing term as important for a single indoor experience as for a large-scale mixed-use indoor / outdoor leisure development.

Our masterplanning service brings together the selection of attractions and theming capacities with zoning layout, guest flow, and all other facilities’ requirements. This takes not only the guest areas into account but also the back-of-house, guest amenities, bathrooms, staff offices and anything else that may lie outside of the direct visitor experience. The distribution and functionality of each of these components are considered essential features of our design responsibility. 

Masterplanning establishes a target scope that includes the nature, theme, size, financial parameters, and schedule milestones of the project. This forms the basis for creating the planning and development strategies necessary to develop the project program.

A person in front of 2 monitors using PhotoShop to create concept images


Once a project begins our talented concept and narrative design team gets to work. This team specialises in creating bespoke narratives. We can either take an existing IP, myth, legend, or story and transform it into an exciting guest experience, or craft one from scratch to the client’s specifications.

Once a story is defined, we can begin to visualise the concept. This can be through the use of storyboard sketches, mood boards, or bespoke visuals. A ‘wow visual’ for the key moment of the experience may be produced at this stage to give a feel for the overall adventure.

A persons hand drawing a piece of LEGO Ninjago concept art on a tablet


To fully define a project, our concept team specialises in producing high-quality visuals and guest journey narratives detailing each step of the guest experience. In an attraction, for example, this work captures a guest’s journey from the entrance, through various stages of the queue line, the loading area and the attraction itself, before unloading and any post-experience retail or dining.

Our comprehensive designs ensure a full, high-quality visualisation of the experience for our clients. We also develop the brand throughout this process, incorporating it into every stage of the guest experience.


Schematic Design is the skeleton on which the Detail Design effort is built. With this service, we identify all the physical elements of a project, how they interact with each other, and locate them to scale within the themed areas.

During this process, we implement all elements of design from the conceptual phase into a set of technical documents. This includes the theming, materials and finishes, decoration applications, and the development of a preliminary BOQ for all the elements that make up the themed environment.

3 people sat at a desk with drawn out concept images in front of them


In this phase, each solution is defined to the technical level that theming constructors and suppliers require for production. 

The design is elaborated with a fully detailed description that includes the finishing intent of the theming, layouts, elevations, and 3D models to ensure compliance with the concept design.

We work closely with local suppliers to ensure the project meets the regulations, material standards, and security specifications while preserving the artistic quality and visual identity of the concept.

A person looking at 2 computer monitors creating concept art of a building


Our technical creatives and engineers also provide manufacturing and construction drawings for all of the individual themed elements within our projects.

From the smallest puzzles and signage to large props and multi-story facades, the technical teams based in our factory facilities produce complex manufacturing / construction drawings ready to issue for tender or construction.

A person sitting in front of 2 computer monitors using Unreal Engine to create Concept images


In addition to our 2D art services, our team includes leading experts in 3D software, from SketchUp and Blender to Maya and Unreal Engine.

Our talented digital design team specialise in the production of accurate, full-colour fly-throughs (compatible with VR headsets) of the attractions we design. These are then enhanced with audio and visual effects by our VFX specialists creating fully immersive 360-degree, virtual representations of the guest experiences.

Our digital creatives also have a wealth of experience in pre-visualisation services for film and TV.

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