With the thousand of visitors that may pass through a theme park on a day-to-day basis, impressing everyone just simply isn’t possible. There are, however, a set of characteristics that differentiate a world class theme park from an average one and if visitor satisfaction is one of your key targets (as it very well should be) staying adaptable and meeting these characteristics will help to set you apart from the competition and instil your theme park with a loyal following bound to keep coming back week after week.
Theme Park Operations
While an impressive new ride or a redesign to an already existing attraction is bound to attract you a fair share of interest from the wider public, it will seldom cover up inconstancies or shortcomings across other rides and the general functionality of the theme park. The purpose of a theme park is to provide visitors a positive and engaging experience time after time, and if visitors are only flocking in to experience a new ride once – this could be indicative that their overall experience may not have been as positive or engaging as they would have liked.
There are also a series of contributing factors that may quickly hamper a visitor’s enjoyment; things like a general feeling of unease due to lacking safety features, poorly implemented queuing, limited access to restrooms or baby changing facilities, overpriced food, rude/unhelpful employees, etc. The most popular theme parks aren’t always those that offer the fanciest rides, but rather those that guarantee a positive and engaging experience for their visitors every single time.
Evolution and Innovation
Regardless of the size of your theme park, sooner or later a visitor is going to experience all there is to experience. No matter how much you love a ride, once you’ve been on it countless times, the buzz starts to wear off, it’s important that theme parks continuously find ways to evolve and offer varying experiences for returning visitors.
Alton Towers is one of the theme parks that is incredibly efficient at doing so by offering different park aesthetics and attractions based on the time of year. Visit in October and you’re likely to find the whole park covered in pumpkins with the rides being open under the cover of darkness for that extra bit of adrenaline when being sent across a corner at breakneck speed. The addition of several horror-based attractions also offers regulars a completely new experience when visiting during the spookiest weeks of the year.
The quality of a theme park hinges on its visitor satisfaction with the best parks across the world being incredibly efficient at catering to their various demographics. In looking to provide your visitors with the best experience possible, you’re well on your way to creating a world class theme park that aficionados and newbies will want to come back to time after time.
Contact Scruffy Dog Creative Group
For eclectic theme park design solutions bound to deliver unbridled joy to visitors of all ages, get in touch with our team at Scruffy Dog Creative Group today. Click here to fill out our ‘Contact Us’ form, give us a call at 02034684220, or drop us an email at info@scruffydogltd.com.